Dispassionate Programmer: Chapter 04 - Stepping into TechLead Role

Previous - Chapter 03 - Find Joy in Learning New things Sumit: So, finally you found a job that you enjoy. Vikram: Yeah, in that new company I was really having a good time. Team members are friendly, work is interesting. But as the saying goes, This too shall pass. Nothing remains the same forever. For being a good developer, I got promoted to a TechLead role. And, the fun started again :-)

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How Kung Fu Panda Movie Changed My Life

If you know me from Twitter, then you probably know that I am a movie buff. I don’t watch every movie released, but I watch some movies many times to understand what the director wants to tell you. I am not talking about Hollywood’s “world is going to end soon and how Americans are going to save the world” nonsense. I am not talking about Tollywood mainstream hero’s unrealistic, physics defying adventure movies either.

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Dispassionate Programmer: Chapter 03 - Find joy in learning new things

Previous: Chapter 02 - Beware of sweet talkers Vikram: So, I joined a new organization, and they were in the process of migrating their existing applications into Java tech stack. In that company, luckily I got a manager who is extraordinarily skilled person. He is like the head of the operations for offshore development center, but didn’t lose the hands-on development experience. Later I heard he worked on many C++ projects building low-level infrastructure, that’s why he has very good knowledge on how things work behind the scenes.

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Dispassionate Programmer: Chapter 02 - Beware of sweet talkers

Previous: Chapter 01 - The reunion with an old friend Vikram: When we joined in our first company, the entire team is a group of friends. There are no office politics happening between us. We used to help each other. Also, we used to work on the biggest client project which brings the most revenue to the company. And, we were like work horses. We used to work late nights and finish the work no matter how ridiculous the deadlines are.

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Dispassionate Programmer: Chapter 01 - The reunion with an old friend

This is a short novel centered around the events happened in the life of a software developer. Some events are inspired by real life events happened either in my own life or my friends’ lives, and some are imaginary to make a point. I have taken extra measures not to share anyone’s personal matters. Needless to say, the thought process by some characters in this novel is influenced by my own life experiences and opinions.

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Is Software Development Hard? Or, We are making it complicated?

You started your career as a software developer. Learned some basics and learning many more as you go on. As a responsible developer who wants to be good at your craft, you read the highly recommended books such as “Clean Code”, “Refactoring”, “Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests”, etc. You also try to improve your craft by learning TDD(Test Driven Development), DDD(Domain Driven Design), Clean/Hexagonal/Onion/Ports&Adapter Architecture. You definitely feel you are getting better at software development.

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When Idealist Software Architect Meet Reality

My name is Vishwas. I am a software architect. I recently joined this new organization. Actually, they hired me because they were impressed with my work in the tech community. It seems they are going to get a big client project soon, and they want to make sure that the project is successful. I am also excited to work on this project. I know there is another architect (Syam) in the team who is working there for the last five years.

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An Amazing Lesson I Learned From My Ex-Manager

If I ask you, “have you ever worked on a project with unrealistic deadlines?”, some of you may reply “dude, that’s our default mode of working” 😉 Yes, we have all been there at some point of time in our careers. If we are in this situation once in a while, that may be acceptable. But if we are in this mode of working on a regular basis, then it is very difficult to cope with it.

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When you finally meet your hero

It’s already 8.50am. I got stuck in the traffic, and I doubt I would be on time for the meeting by 9.30am. Somehow, I managed to reach the office by 9.35am, and it looks like the meeting is not yet started. Oh, I didn’t tell you why I am so excited for this meeting, right. It’s actually a workshop, and it’s going to be conducted by Mr Vinod. THE AWESOME VINOD.

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The Tiffin center with IT culture and yummy food

Usually, on Sundays we get breakfast and dinner from outside instead of preparing at home. We know a nice place from where we usually get the breakfast, but yesterday we wanted to try some new place. After searching around for 30 minutes we finally found a new tiffin center. I went to the shop and asked the person sitting at cash counter what I want, and she repeated my order loudly to the people preparing the food.

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