Is Software Development Hard? Or, We are making it complicated?

You started your career as a software developer. Learned some basics and learning many more as you go on. As a responsible developer who wants to be good at your craft, you read the highly recommended books such as “Clean Code”, “Refactoring”, “Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests”, etc. You also try to improve your craft by learning TDD(Test Driven Development), DDD(Domain Driven Design), Clean/Hexagonal/Onion/Ports&Adapter Architecture. You definitely feel you are getting better at software development.

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Why I don't read personality development books anymore?

I want to be successful in my career. Who doesn’t? Everyone wants to be successful. But sometimes we don’t know how to deal with a problem, then we seek advice from others like our elders or books etc. A lot of people, especially youngsters, try to read books which can be broadly categorized into Personality Development or Self Help books to become a better person. That’s a wonderful thing because life is too short to make all the mistakes by yourself and learn from them.

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Life is beautiful, If you keep it simple

A year ago I was in Germany (Berlin) and it was a beautiful Saturday evening. I was alone and feeling bored. Then I suddenly remembered about a book my friend recommended to me, specifically one particular story. I picked up the book and start reading the story my friend suggested. After reading the story I had no words, no thoughts…nothing. I was just sitting there without any thoughts or emotions for few minutes.

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The ugly truth

I am so excited to meet my old friend Vinay after a long time. It has been almost one and half year we spoke to each other. We worked together in one of my previous organizations and he is a close friend and kind of mentor to me too. We both got busy in our lives, and we are not in touch lately. I am so happy to meet him after a long time.

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From "OMG, I don't have enough time" to "I am getting bored"

Few months ago… Its Saturday. I woke up at 5.30 AM as usual. I know exactly what to do today because I usually plan what I will do next day. Today I planned to learn about AWS and Terraform. Todo List 1. Learn AWS & Terraform After morning routine activities I was skimming through my Twitter timeline. Somebody posted a link to his blog post about Azure which is gaining more popularity in recent times.

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Every option comes with pros and cons

We want better. We always want to get better things in life..better job, better house, better living standards etc. In the process of getting better we pursue new career options, make new life choices. And, we hope with our new choices our life will get better. But, most of the time we forget one thing. Every choice we make might bring some positive things into our life and also bring some new challenges.

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Whom you like the most?

I was doing my under graduation in 2001. One day the lecturer was absent and we were all talking loud, making lot of noise. Then our correspondent came to the class to engage. He asked us one question Whom do you like the most? Each of us gave different answers such as “I like Megastar Chiranjeevi”, I like “My mother”, “I like Sridevi” etc etc. After all the students expressed who is their favorite person, he said So, none of you like yourself!

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