How Kung Fu Panda Movie Changed My Life

If you know me from Twitter, then you probably know that I am a movie buff. I don’t watch every movie released, but I watch some movies many times to understand what the director wants to tell you. I am not talking about Hollywood’s “world is going to end soon and how Americans are going to save the world” nonsense. I am not talking about Tollywood mainstream hero’s unrealistic, physics defying adventure movies either.

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When you finally meet your hero

It’s already 8.50am. I got stuck in the traffic, and I doubt I would be on time for the meeting by 9.30am. Somehow, I managed to reach the office by 9.35am, and it looks like the meeting is not yet started. Oh, I didn’t tell you why I am so excited for this meeting, right. It’s actually a workshop, and it’s going to be conducted by Mr Vinod. THE AWESOME VINOD.

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The Tiffin center with IT culture and yummy food

Usually, on Sundays we get breakfast and dinner from outside instead of preparing at home. We know a nice place from where we usually get the breakfast, but yesterday we wanted to try some new place. After searching around for 30 minutes we finally found a new tiffin center. I went to the shop and asked the person sitting at cash counter what I want, and she repeated my order loudly to the people preparing the food.

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The other side of successful life

I have been waiting for the movie “Ranga Maarthaanda” ever since it was announced because I am very interested in films, film making process, how the actors lives are, etc. Yesterday the “Ranga Maarthaanda” movie got released, and it is about the life of a very talented and popular stage actor. I have watched the film and since then so many thoughts are going through my mind continuously. Somehow I feel I am doing the same mistakes as the lead character in the movie did, who ended up having a miserable life at the end of his life.

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